Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Tips for Writing Quality Squeeze Page

Does It Look Like Its Name Squeeze Page?

When the term Squeeze Page is mentioned, my mind runs years back at school. Then our teacher will stand in front of the students in her class to yell at us. ‘Who Squeeze these pieces of papers on the floor?’ Our heart will beat fast because we dread her whip. This one differs completely from what we see on the floors of our homes or schools. Once this name Squeeze Page is mentioned,it should bring a clear picture that means; a page where the best information/content about our products/services is listed.It should not be a page to entice prospects or customers. Buy my product We should not be surprise sometimes though our Squeeze Page is well organized with the best information or content still it becomes difficult for people to share their personal information. You should be honest and make the strongest effort \to convince those that will need your service/products about the benefits they will get if they take action. Your Squeeze Page must be easy to digest. It must not be uninviting and too enticing. It must be clear, short and simple. It should be in a simple format in terms of grammar. Our focus in this article is to help you improve your squeeze page by inspecting your overall Ads presentation. The few outlines below are to help you create an appealing page that will have your readers throwing their email address at you for more information.
  1. Build Positive Trademark: When a person visits your Site, he or she should notice KEY element that make your organization stands out. The same should apply with your squeeze page! There should be complete agreement between your site and Squeeze Page that your readers will see the true Trademark \you bear. People want to know who is behind the product; and being transparent will help establish trust and honesty that will turn them to customers. The good personality you show in your squeeze page, the better it will reflect on your services when the same \ people return for a purchase.
  1. Establish Trust With Every Reader: People don’t just share their personal information easily. In this generation of information overloaded with countless online scams, fear of email spam, or worse, identity theft. So it’s important to assure them of their personal information protection against any odd. With this assurance they might share their personal information.
  1. Easy To Understand Offer: - Like we said earlier, transparency is the key to win the trust of your readers. So you must create an understandable offer that will clear all doubts in the minds of your prospects. And you must not make promises that will disappoint your readers, be clear with your message. Concentration is required to create a captivating Call To Action that will make them say YES to your instructions.
  1. Video Medium – The best way to make your readers/prospects trust you is, including a video clip on your squeeze page. It is said, ‘Seen is Believing’. So when they see you and hear you talk, it will make them believe in what you offer. And you must keep it short not lengthy. It should be on their control to play or not. Make it interesting and direct to the point. You can use other forms of multimedia like images,etc.
  1. Color Effect – It is advisable to use dark colors on a light background. Black and white is the default color, but using two or three colors to beautify your Squeeze Page is not bad. Avoid the eye – blind colors and don’t design for your personal test. Think about your readers and remember that some have short sightedness. Consistency is the key; so align your tips and pictures evenly by surrounding each section with contrasting colors. Try to make it one page and easy to run through for those with narrow view devices like smartphones,etc.
  1. Statistics Clear Fact – There are so many Testimonial out on net and to be frank, it does not move people anymore. This method should be used inside website rather than on the squeeze page. Create information revealing what you are offering them, the assurance that what you offer is real not hype. How long you took to create what you’re offering and your accomplishment so far. Don’t let it look like self-promotional rather base more on their benefit.
  1. Link Main Site – It is necessary to have a link back to your site with the click option to enable those that are ready to get more information about your organization or products do so. It might not be direct to your sight, may be affiliate link. It is right because it will enable them seeing something else you offer; who can tell what they really want at that moment.
  1. Make it Mobile Friendly because 35% of Internet traffic is generated from Mobile devices. Consider updating your website to responsive web design. The multimedia web app is the ultimate to access traffic both wide and narrow view ports. The old desk top app is worn out. So follow change to evolve with time.
  1. Your Opt – In Form should be short and simple. Do not ask from your prospects unnecessary information like Phone Number, Home/Office Address. You don’t need those things. The best information you required is Name and Email. Though it might be difficult for people to give out their personal information, make them believe you value their privacy. Please do away with Pop Up Ads that have been so common. It drives readers away and I don’t use it. Sometimes they are frustrating, and most of them don’t close – leaving a particular page becomes war.How sad that person will be and might not return to that page or site again. But if you have to use Pop Ups, kindly use one or two with large X to enable easy close.
Get eBook on SEO, Ads, Traffic, Email marketing and many information on Online marketing System Here! Take time to design the “Squeeze Page” you will be proud of. More Articles Here! To Your Success Buy my product

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Learn How You Can Stay Healthy Through Your Diet

Why Do Many Fail Sick Cause by Their Diet?

Many are the foods we eat that have turned us into a fat balloon and sick dud. I have been in research on Healthy and Deadly foods for years, and I am glad to bring the good news to you. It’s time to know the secret that left many sick and obese. I personally hate HYPE, so find out the TRUTH Below. I have been working with Mike Geary for months and through consistent research on health and Dietary; the following articles are written to save you, family and your pocket. Click on any Title that suits you to read the complete Article. Here We have : There are more of this you need to know that are right there starring at your face without you noticing them. It might be the very food you like best could be your health enemy. Or maybe that which you have taken today. Have you heard of THIS!! Why Wheat is Destroying you? Why don’t you find out yourself? Get the revelation of all Here!! It is in you hands to stay HEALTHY we have done our part bringing the information to your door step. Take it or leave it. It is your CHOICE. You’re free to Share this Article to many to save life.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Health & Fitness Weightloss:- Slow Go Cardio - Worries and Fear

Slow - Go Cardio and Worry And Fear Give the Same Results


Are YOU worried about your health?
All the Health and fitness programs you enrolled have left you disappointed?
Are YOU looking for a health and fitness
program or product that will save you
Do you want to stay FIT with fewer workouts today?

Where ever you are in this life, I really want you to KNOW that in ONE single instant; you just need to DECIDED that 
you want better life and more of quality things to compliment that.
Going through some client emails over the last few days I've noticed that many people are still stuck doing long duration, 
low-intensity cardiovascular exercises yikes! 
Here's the deal: if you're looking to achieve maximal benefit from the time you put into your workouts, long duration "slow-go" 
cardio is NOT the way to go, and for many reasons. 

Here are my top 5: Slow Go Cardio Gives the Same Result As Worries And Fear
1. Minimal calories burned ó, 45 minutes on the treadmill may burn a whopping 300 calories if you're lucky, the equivalent of ONE TENTH of a pound of fat. Exercise ten hours a week and you might just lose a pound! Which brings me to my next point: 2. Way too much time involved ó I don't know about you, but I don't have hours and hours of my time to pour into working out each week. In fact, very rarely do I ever a couple hours of exercise weekly, and you know what? That's ALL you need. In fact, research has shown that anything more than 90 mins a week may be detrimental! "MORE INFO HERE" Beyond that, slow-go cardio is: 3. BORING as heck Sitting on an exercise bike staring at the wall in front of me for 45-60 minutes? No thanks. But perhaps even worse is the fact that slow-go cardio provides: 4. No prolonged metabolic benefits. Did you know that with higher intensity exercise it is possible to continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours post workout? It's true. But you know what else is true? Long duration, low intensity cardio provides virtually NO prolonged elevation in metabolism. In fact, with slow-go cardio, metabolism returns to baseline almost IMMEDIATELY following the exercise session.


And finally, the reason that trumps all the others: 5. Minimal fat loss. Minimal calories burned during the session and virtually no additional calories burned afterward = minimal, if any fat loss results. And let's be honest, the only reason anyone is doing cardio is for the "result". So if slow-go cardio isn't a great solution, what is? Why you should NEVER workout more than 90 mins a week - Click Now!!
Why do YOU worry?
Because you’re not doing yourself any good by WORRYING; let your mind settle for clear mind helps you make a right choice. When you are UNCLEAR on your path about your health and the products you have used so far or you have to use; you will attach the emotion of FEAR to these thoughts that we know as ‘WORRY’. Healthy Life is the KEY for you to truly focus on your purpose and dreams. By claiming your KEY to your FREEDOM from the illness, stubborn fat is the first and most important step towards living a purposeful life. We have the SOLUTION HERE.


See the RESULTS of constant emotional depression kills faster than any disease. To find the SOLUTION to your FEARS and WORRIES should be your top most priority. Don’t allow your look or your ill – health place you under WORRY because: - 1. It accomplishes nothing! It is a tried and tested WASTE of time. 2. It’s not good for you, worrying results in illness and diminished life force 3. By worrying you are NOT progressing but retrogressing As a personal trainer I am constantly inundated with questions about dieting and losing weight. When you begin to look at these topics, and specifically at DIETING & CARDIO, one thing quickly comes to light. There are so many diet plans and cardio workouts out there that wading through them all (and choosing one that works) can be extremely difficult. With that, let's first see what a good exercise is HERE!!. 300x250 With Good Products on Health and Fitness/Programs We Benefit in all these AREAS: • Supports Vibrant Good Health • Enhance Mental Focus • Increase Energy • Weight Management • Sense of Well – Being • Cardiovascular Health • Immune System Health • Digestive System Health • Healthy Cholesterol Levels • Healthy Blood Pressure Levels • Healthy Blood Sugar Levels • Powerful Anti – Aging Benefits • And Many More

To be Honest with you; your TESTIMONY is the greatest that will make you believe in what we offer; because thousands post Testimonial messages and pictures to deceive people but we believe in your personal testimony. Give Our Products a Trial TODAY!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Free Traffic - Marketing Success Tips

Free Methods Of Traffic


Advertisement – called ADS are the channels through which you create the awareness of your products
or products of the company you’re representing as an Affiliate. So the two listed methods of generating traffic
below are used to reach the prospective clients or customers. There are two traffic methods of Ads – Free,which requires your energy time and creativity and
Paid that you leverage other people platform to run the ads. Free Traffic – These are free channels or platforms in which we advertise or reach our intended customers. • It is slow in reaching the prospective customers • It takes more time than the paid to generate income • It requires determination and regularly updates • It works much better and fast in terms of returns when you havealist of your own –
so starting is often the problem.
Now here are the Free Traffic channels: -
1. Article Marketing – This is magnificent form of creating the awareness of your niche or products.
Article marketing is all about revealing the problems that people face in life.
Stating clear the causes and telling them how to solve it or prevent it. It does not need thousand words –
at least in an explicit statement or language and to the point; 400 or 500 words are ideal.
If you have written a descriptive essay, you can write an article that will captivate your readers to ask for more.
But you have to be honest if you want them to trust you. Site, you can post your free Articles,are or,etc.
Get Ebook on this Article Internet Fact File 2. Content Marketing – This method of generating traffic does not require many words like Article.
In an article, you only use it to build the trust and confidence of your readers.
You don’t necessary pitch in article marketing, but bringing them to your site not so with content marketing.
Here you pitch that you represent with few words. Content marketing does not need a page or more before it could generate clicks or get the
attention of your customers. A well-written content is that with captivate headline or title.
The main body explains the benefits that the person will get if they do what you want them to do. And not by a force but willingly -
and follows will be the persuasive method for them to take action in their own best interest.

3. Search Engine Optimization [SEO]– This is one of the best ways to create the awareness of
your products or niche to the public. The tactic here is that our sites get listed in the venerated
top ten search results. In this case, we can’t trick the search engine like Google, Yahoo, etc. – so best way,
we can be lucky, is to provide reach content website. Your site must be helpful to people and have more quality information.
In this method, the organism called crawler picks sites richcontents at random, so quality content is required
here as we said earlier. Helpful information for people is all that is need here.Get Ebook on this Article Internet Fact File

4. Classified Ads – This is another method you can use to advertise your products.
This does not work out easily likeothers;it might or might not function out, so it is mixed act in terms of
results. You might be lucky to get sites that sale ad like classified Ads; so you’re advised to adopt
every means possible to your online success. 5. Viral Marketing – This is another method one can attract customers through the use
or means of this statement; ‘use that in your hand to get that you want’. Example;You want customers
to come to your site to buy your products or what you offer, and you don’t have a list of your own.
Then you assigned one of your products to a particular list owner to give to his or her list members for FREE –.
Through this method the list owner will be able to provide a quality information or product out for free gaining
trust from his list members.And you the owner of the product has your link in the product you gave to him;that for sure,
the customers interested in what you offer will visit your site for the product. So it’s all gain and win - win game.
The best product or commonest of this; is small E – book or Software. 6. Blog Publishing – This is super charge among all the other Free Traffic Methods.
Why? Because you have the right to design it to your taste; it is basically the same as a website.
When the blog site is rich with great content, the search engine and people will pick note of it.
The advantage to a blog is that you can have some interactive moment by letting people comment.
It can be structured in a way thatit will be easy for people to read – plus, you can offer
an RSS feed for those who prefer that method of getting content automatically. 7. Forum Participation – This method is both for learning and selling your idea. Participating in vforums helps you share your knowledge and also obtain knowledge through the questions and answers offered by
the forum. But your focus must not be in selling or advertising your products rather it should be means of
buying the trust of people in that forum. Many people have made much through this medium because of their honesty.
But if you have more time than money at this point in your life these techniques will
work to get traffic to your site.

8. Ezine Publishing – Publishing an ezine is highly profitable and easy to do. All, you have to do,
is to gather information on a particular subject that could be of people’s interest;
write about it and create the awareness through free ads publication like ezines, etc.
If you want to get more traffic to your site, it is advice that you publish
it free, and when the traffic surges, then you can decide to sell when you must have built your list. The little we can take on Free Traffic method – which I call the invisible leadership where one
stays in lonely hours toils in his or her craft behind closed doors. No one celebrates it;
even you might be mocked, teased and ridiculed by your friends and family.
The inside critics fire off heckle as soon as you begin – fears, discouragements and doubts if what you
are doing will ever work or pay or reward your efforts. Yes, no one pays for that in fact it cost time,
energy and often money. But the joy comes when the seeds you sow in silence and tears and pains eventually produce a public
harvest greater than you can imagine. Traffics begin to flank, and money begins to surge as many demands your products.
This is mostly invisible at the beginning
but invisible through your achievements. Repeated! So stay focused and find the very possible ways to achieve your online dreams. Get Ebook on this Article Internet Fact File Get More to help you achieve More – ClickBank Programs

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Trading Platform - Plus500

Trading Platform – Plus500

A reliable Trading Platform – When it comes to financial products, strength and reliability might be the first values to promote. If YOU must know, Plus500 is authorized and regulated by well – regarded financial regulators. The FCA in the UK and the ASIC in Australia. Plus500 is also listed on the LONDON Stock Exchange and follows best practice corporate governance. Suitable for Everyone – Plus500 is the most easy to use trading platform out there yet it includes advanced features attractive to experienced traders. If you’re a beginner, you’re advised to take a full study of the trading programs. CFDs are ‘Complex Financial Products’ so can only be marketed to people with previous experience of financial markets. Plus500 traders can trade CFDs with over 2,000 instruments [Shares, Indices, Commodities, Forex, and ETFs] across over 20 different markets Worldwide. Plus500 is not a copy and paste software for $1,000 like other trading programs out there. Localization – YOU must also know that Plus500 offers a full service in any Language and currency [Plus500 is available in 50 markets and 31 different languages] regardless of your location. So you can access Plus500 in your language and right in your home. Trade Platform on the GO – This is the GOOD NEWS; in today’s hectic daily routine, Plus500 traders know they can keep trading wherever they may be. So fear is far away from your reach. Plus500 offers application platforms for a full range of mobiles and tablets especially for the busy traders. What makes a man SUCCESSFUL is his ability to take RISK. And only those that dare to take risk knows how far one can risk succeeding. No Pain, No Gain and No Risk, No Success. So any one who is afraid of risk is afraid of living, for LIFE is full of RISK. NOTE: Your about to take a RISK and this is for the experienced in trading. But without trial and error no perfection; no one can to tell what is in a wrapped gift box until he or she opens it. Plus500 is a Platform for you who is mature in heart, that believes impossibility never exists. Your decision makes it possible for success or failure. Plus500 is the only trading platform that offers you a share of REVENUE from all of your users trading’s. And 500Affiliates provides you with a choice of payment plans [CPA or Revenue share] You can Promote Plus500 and Make Money for yourself as an Affiliate. Click to Join P.S – Due to Regulatory Requirements; Plus500CY Ltd is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission [CySEC]. It has lowered the spreads for important instruments on Plus500 trading platform: - Germany 30 – 0.33 pips, Oil – 3 pips, EUR/USD – 1 pip, Natural Gas – 3 pips, Uk 100 – 0.88 pips, GBP/USD 1 pip; note spreads can change . Another Good News Plus500 trader platform for Windows 8.1 just released

Monday, 5 January 2015

Cardio Is That Bad? Turblence Training - Fitness

Cardio Is That Bad?Think Turblence Training!

Shocking News About Workouts

Do you have questions about Turbulence Training? How it works?
What's in the workouts? Or even what does it mean? Recently, Craig
Ballantyne was interrogated about his Turbulence Training system. Here are
the answers to your questions...
Q: First, can you tell us the basics about Turbulence Training?

Turbulence Training is the result of years of study in the gym and
in the research labs and library. From personal experience, I've
found the best way to lose fat and get results in the least amount of 
time is to increase your training intensity. 

With the right workout, you can get more fat loss results in less
workout time. Period. That is the one and only goal of this
training program. A better body in fewer workout sessions, and
shorter exercise bouts.

That means:
a) Shorter interval workouts instead of long slow cardio workouts

b) More challenging strength training exercises, such as advanced
bodyweight exercises and some traditional strength training free
weight exercises

If you have two hours to spend in the gym everyday, you can feel
free to stick to the same relatively ineffective and inefficient
program of long cardio and light weights. But if you are like most
men and women and have 45 minutes (or less) on only three days of
the week to workout, then Turbulence Training will work wonders for

The rules of exercise selection and exercise order will allow you
to get lean, boost your metabolism, and to train with a
high-intensity throughout the entire workout. 
Cardio Is That Bad? Shocking News about Fat Burning
It’s a fact, cardio makes you fat, tired, unhappy and old. Research has it that: the long distance, slow and boring cardio results only in vain sweat, weak body and partial result in burning stubborn fat. The long cardio slow, boring distance runners look don’t attract because wrong training is adopted. They have a scrawny build, a fat stomach, and no definition or tone in their muscles – don’t look right rather look sick. The sprinters and other athletes look smart, thin and have lean, sexy muscle – look amazing right! So how can you change that long, slow, boring and tired cardio of yours? Here is the best way out: Turblence Training Fat Burn Over Forty I have been following many workout programs – all were cardio boring exercises and pills. But when I came across Turblence Training and put in practice the simple steps listed blow in few days. I couldn’t believe the amazing transformation I found in my body, stubborn fat could not stand the workouts of this training. So take these exercises for few days and see what happens. But first, here's how the original 300 Workout goes...but don't try this at home unless you are super-duper fit (like a college athlete)... a) Pullups - 25 reps b) Deadlifts with 135lbs - 50 reps c) Pushups - 50 reps d) 24-inch Box jumps - 50 reps e) Floor wipers - 50 reps f) 1-arm Clean & Press with 36lbs Kettlebell - 50 reps g) Pullups - 25 reps For example, you might do this 200-repetition workout - this is great for a man with moderate fitness like me: 5 Chinups 20 prisoner squats 20 pushups 100 Jumping Jacks 30 Bicycle Crunches 10 decline pushups 15 bodyweight rows Optionally, you could do 100 reps of rope jumping to finish off 300 total reps. An intermediate woman could do a 150 rep workout: 5 Bodyweight Rows 10 Bodyweight Sumo Squats 15 bodyweight squats 15 Pushups (doing as many regular pushups, followed by kneeling) 50 jumping jacks 10 spiderman climbs 20 reverse lunges 25 bicycle crunches Add in 50 rope skips for 200 total repetitions - or 150 skips for a full 300. Let the big guy in Turblence Training, Craig Ballantyne take you by the hand to your best outlook.